I haven't heard from Katie just yet but it's early days. I really hope she's catching up on some sleep. I've started answering my phone though, just in case she tries to call. I should probably elaborate... I'm agoraphobic, which means I'm afraid to leave the house or talk to other humans, even by phone - you know, just the basics lol. Inspired by Katie's courageous move to check in for treatment however, I've begun answering the telephone! Sure I get nervous and lose my voice, but I'm doing it anyway. Very proud of myself.
Katie asked me to encourage everyone to write to her while she's in for treatment. I can tell you for sure that there's nothing much to do in those places between sessions with your doctor, except eat, sleep, and read. A nice newsy, encouraging letter would no doubt be a godsend for Katie.
Katie Quinn
940 West King Rd,
Malvern, PA 19355
Meanwhile, please do leave comments for Katie and I will faithfully pass them along. As you know Katie doesn't have internet access while she's away so all letters, comments, and messages will be gratefully received by Katie.
As for me...
I'm sad to say that Bipolar disorder caused the final breakdown of my marriage today. The beginning of the end was Valentine's day when I realised how much my husband was beginning to resent me. My poor husband (who incidentally has his own issues) has put up with me for just as long as possible and now finally he's had enough. I am 33yrs old and, as of Wednesday, living back at home with my parents. Originally our plan was to live separately until we could both get back on track, but as of this morning he's decided he can't handle it and is sick of all of the drama.
Fair enough really.
This got me thinking... Can a person with Bipolar disorder ever really enjoy a lasting, happy relationship? I've never actually heard of it happening. My uncle is still with his Bipolar wife after almost thirty years, but he looks about twenty years older than he really is. My aunt's illness has completely sapped him. Everything he used to be is gone - he doesn't seem to have a sense of humor anymore, he's stick thin, and has no life in his eyes. The poor guy!
So, can we enjoy fulfilling, lasting romantic relationships? Please join in the discussion by leaving a comment below. I really would love to know your thoughts on this.
Stay tuned, and wish me luck! :-)
I have been in a and fulfilling marriage for 15 years. My children are amazing, my husband is healthy, and my home is safe despite my episodes. Not without challenge...of course.