Friday, January 4, 2013

Coping with Panic

Good afternoon everyone. First of all I want to say how much I appreciate all of you checking my blog each day. It really makes me feel good.

Last night I got an e-mail saying I owe Walmart $84.00 for something stupid I did.  I dated a guy who asked me to open an account for him because of the discounts you get. He said he needed tires for his children and that his truck was unsafe for his kids. Little did I know he would NEVER pay up and to me is a deadbeat that I didn't realize at first. So I am stuck with this bill and I don't have the money to pay for it. For those of you who have read my blogs before, my car just cost me $1400.00 to fix. So I started to panic.

I have panic attacks on a daily basis. That's why I try to stay away from those triggers, like grocery stores during busy times and such. Anyway, I found one of my coping papers a therapist had given me and I thought I'd share it with you.some help me and hopefully some will help you. There is no author on this.

1. Remember that the feelings are nothing more than an exaggeration of the normal bodily reactions to stress.

2. Panic symptoms feel awful- but they are not harmful or dangerous. Nothing worse will happen.

3. Stop adding to panic with frightening thoughts about what is happening and where it might lead.

4. Remember that you have felt these sensations before and that nothing worse happened then.

5. It's not unusual to feel strange or "not yourself" during panic attacks- this feeling will pass.

6. Wait and give fear  time to diminish. Try not to fight it or run away from it.

7. Notice that once you stop adding to it, the frightening thoughts, the fear gradually starts to fade by itself.

8. Remember the whole point is to learn how to cope with fear without avoiding it- so this is an opportunity to make progress.

I hope these suggestions help you. To me its hard during a panic attack to remind myself that things are going to be okay, because at at exact moment it isn't.

I have a great poem that one of my therapist gave me and I am going to look for it for you all to have. I suggest printing it out if possible. It is a great poem that many members of the people I had been working with asked to keep at their desk. Anyways, the point of this is that we are all going to have panic attacks and that its a natural feeling and although you may feel the world is crashing down on you it really isn't. This is something I am learning to cope with everyday.

We are at just about 1400 people that have checked out my post.  Please share this blog with anyone you feel needs some help. Not just with bipolar but also depression and such like that.  You all are wonderful and together, we are going to get through these illnesses one step at a time

Love to One and All

Katie Quinn

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