Im asking all of you to listen to Little Talks by of Monsters Of Men. Listen to the woman speaking. This is what I deal with everyday. Infact I am sure all of us can relate to this song. It's amazing.
I am lucky to have so many "families". I'm not just talking on my moms side or dads side, but those special people that always make you feel welcome and accept you for who you are. I am talking about the pets that you love as much as your own, the ones who set a place for you for dinner, the ones that want you at the hospital as they have a baby! That family. It's not just a friend you can go out to dinner with. Their great and you may talk to them all the time. It's the families that don't care your in sweatpants, no makeup, tear stained, exhausted and can cuddle up on the couch at anytime of day.
We don't take the time to appreciate those who take us in when they don't have to. The one who you can run to get a hug from or cry with. They may not be blood but they are family. I am lucky to have many sets of separate families. More than I can count on one hand.
It's really important to have those families. Sometimes your blood families, you may not get along with. Or they have opinions of you. Or they think you should be someone your not. I love my blood families. They mean the world to me, but the "families" I have created, I feel like I have such a special bond.
Sometimes you just need to get out of the house, get in your car, and scream till you have no voice left. Or it's pouring rain in the summer and you run out into the rain so it will mesh with the tears your really crying. Then there are times you think of that special family. Some place you can run to and feel loved.
I feel sorry for people who don't have it. But it's not too late to start. Or be that one persons family you can run to. Put that extra chair and table setting at your house "just in case". Be that persons family. It can mean the world to that person. To me, it least.
I want to thank my extra families out there. The thread to their pocket and button, the house that has a shelf of my pictures growing own shelf..and I am not their grandchild. My Lucy that has that horrible blue know what I'm talking electronic smoking family with their three beautiful children who let me sleep in their unsecured loft...My MHC family, you know who you are since I have the tattoo that you all were supposed to get..but didn't. the way that's sarcasm. And of course My Sister from another mother with a beautiful son and fantastic pool and wine selection!
I love you all..and thank you. I don't say it enough....
Love one and all,
Katie Quinn
I love this song <3