Have you ever had a multiple of something important, and then your down to the last one? That's what happened to me today. I have one of the last important things to me, that I won't see again for quite awhile. If you don't mind I'd like to keep this private so please don't ask questions.
I remember when I was younger, probably around the age of 10. My mom and I had a yard sale and we sold off all of my Barbies. Now it had been years since I played with them, and I knew they were going to good homes for other children to play with, but I had such history playing with those dolls. I am sure all women out there having a Barbie and playing hair dresser ( yea like the hair was going to grow back).
I often think of the things that I had when I was younger, but no longer I have. There are so many things that I have had to let go of. Some good some bad. Some material things, some friends or family. It's a sad, but yet somewhat happy feeling. It's a great thing to have closure. When I lost my grandfather in February, I was there for the last week of his life. There were a lot of tears, but I got to say all the things that needed to be said.
A lot of times with my depression I think of things I had that I don't have anymore. It's sad, but again somewhat happy. Some of the times I think of old boyfriends that I had and wonder what went wrong. Sometimes, I think I am so happy that I didn't stay with them. It's very frustrating sometimes.
All I am saying is how even when you only have one last thing and its time to give it away, it can be good for closure. Sometimes you have to let things go to move forward to the positive parts of life. I am hoping that happens for me, and for all of you. Im not being cliche but the saying "If you love something let it go, if it comes back its yours, if its not, it was never meant to be".
Love one and all,
Katie Quinn
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