Monday, February 4, 2013

Groundhogs Day...

Good Evening,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed watching the SuperBowl with friends who have been in my life since a child. Of course I took many pictures, but I didn't know when the next time I would see all my friends together again. I'm sure I was a pain in the ass. 2 of my good friends took me outside and confronted me about my issues and problems and offered to help, which was really sweet. At the time, I was somewhat angry, because I felt almost like an intervention was happening, when I have been dealing with my issues on my own for so long. It was sad to see a gap between friendships that were so strong, to friendships that barely existed. Although, I had a period of anger, I realized, by them confronting me and getting all their issues out, they were really trying to step up and be there for me, and if what they said were true, hopefully our relationships will grow stronger.

Being with all my friends from childhood again, felt like the movie "Groundhogs Day". In someways it felt like nothing had changed, it was as if I was young again spending time with all my buddies. They kept picking on me for taking so many pictures, but it was as if I didn't want to lose those memories.

After last night, I hope my friends really meant what they said and we can build our relationships again. I also am excited to continue to rebuild the relationships I had in high school, as well as new friends I have made along the way.

Not to be a downer, but I wanted to share this story I read in Huffington Post. It's about mental illness and people in prison, but it really makes you think. I hope you all continue to build new relationships and also rebuild old relationships in your past. It makes you feel really good when you feel loved.

Love to One and All!

Katie Quinn

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