Saturday, February 2, 2013

Washing my hands clean...

Good Evening,

Sorry I was unable to write a blog last night. I didn't have the best night. I really have been depressed. I am dealing with a serious issue, that I wish I could discuss on here, but if that person ever read this blog, and I don't know if they have checked this so I am going to make up a surname. We will call her "Sue".

Sue loves me. She has been in the past been my rock, but things are changing. I don't know if its because I am getting older, but I feel like I am being treated like a child. I have made some serious mistakes in my life. I am not going to admit I was the most perfect child from 0-28. However, this person has a huge influence in my life, and I am getting more depressed about myself, about who I am as a person, whom I have become, and who I will turn out to be.

I am tired of carrying this rock on my back, of feeling like a nobody and wash my hands clean. It's time to take control of my life, and I need to figure my life out. I am so frustrated with myself. I can't sleep at night, I wake up feeling I have done something wrong everyday.

I am blessed to have good friends in my life. Especially those who have stuck by me through thick and thin. I have had a guardian angel step in my life and I am so blessed to have that person in my life.

I got this picture of of Facebook where it says " You can't always be nice, that's how people take advantage of you". I have tried to be nice and do anything and everything to help people and I feel like it blows up in my face. I feel like those that help me, I can't repay them enough.

To those who have taken advantage of me, I'm washing my hands clean. It's time to move on. It's time for me to repay the people who really care about me in my life. One of my best friends have decided to go another way in life, and that's fine. l will miss them but I wish them all the best.

So don't be afraid to wash your hands clean of those who take advantage of you. It's time to repay those who have been there for you. Focus on that.

Love one and All!!


Katie Quinn

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