Friday, December 21, 2012

A Sleepness Night

A Sleepless Night.

Good Morning All. I hope everyone has gotten a good sleep. The last time I fell asleep was at 10:30AM last night and it's 5:27AM. Physically my body is saying to lay down and close my eyes, but mentally my body is saying “forget it, your up. I am not stopping those racing thoughts" tonight. I am not depressed at the moment, nor was I 6 hours ago, but being restless SUCKS.

Today I was blessed on catching up with my best friend and helping her wrap presents for her fiance and to be step daughter. Then a handome man who has spoiled me with support, flowers, friendship and kindess came home from Ohio to spend Christmas with my 2nd family.

As I got to my girlfriends house ( the handsome man is her husbands brother) She shows me the gifts that the family had gotten me, small and thoughtful. Although I said I want nothing, she said she couldn't disclude me from their family tradition of the “7 days of Christmas”. The gesture was so sweet but the guilt came in. Money has become difficult for me because of my situation. It doesn't matter the situation but I really only had money to spend on my immediate family and no more. Otherwise, I wouldn't eat, have gas, have a phone to speak on and so on.

I explain that I feel uncomfortable, but they know my situation and still wanted me to feel included and loved. It isn't about the gifts whatsoever. How can a person not feel good knowing that a famuily other than your own, cares and loves you. One of best guy friends parent act the same way with me. They invite me to dinner and since I love baseball and football, I usually wind up sitting on their couch with his dad and dog Lucy for whatever the big game is.

But again the guilt. I want people to know I am grateful for having them in my life and that I really don't need anything for Christmas. Please save the money and donate it to a church or so... But Oh how I want to give back. My favorite thing about Christmas is the giving even if it is small. I just like to see the smile or the excitement or the look of terror and eyes looking at me with “Please tell me you saved the receipt”.

My family is not a traditional family, my parent's are divorced and don't get along. I don't get along with my step-mother and I don't know why. I always try to make things right,but sometimes it just doesn't work that way. My family is like an assortmant of flowers from a garden: Both women and men. A: At the work place since I was 16. B: High School and College Friends. C: People who raised me even if they didn't have me and I call “Mom”. You may have a dysfunctional blood family, but you can choose your own family as well and yes they are family.

I had a fight over something silly tonight and got all worked up. You know, telling myself Katie your being a pain in the ass, Katie you broke a promise, Katie your a waste of life. Yup those were my feelings a little while ago and maybe thats why I can't sleep. Anxiety has kicked in...again. I hate going to bed fighting because In the back of my mind is “what if something happens over night and I can't say am sorry”. Yuck. Tonight I left with the fight continuing.

I started the day overjoyed with the celebration of my friendship and now I am depressed because I got into an argument stupid one at that...See Bi Polar is kicking in. Or the OCD.... So now what? How do I go to sleep. Have you ever asked yourself that question? I constantly stare at the clock praying it will go backwords , which it won't and yes I know I need to be my cheery self again in a few hours, but you know what I can't promise that and thats okay. I know I said this blog is a positivity blog, but I would be lying to you and myself if I said I felt okay. Did I cry yes. Did I feel like a 5 year old, yep. Oh and it's pouring outside for the billion time. So you know what? I am going to allow myself to be depressed and then see how the day falls through. I just need to keep telling myself that tomorrow will be better or at least different.

Medication can only do so much, but you need to push yourself as well. Just because you have a GREAT day (manic) and then Depression sets in (depressive) it doesn't mean your crazy. Were all crazy amd have days like this. I just accept that mine hits a little harder than most

Have a great day today and think positivity!!

Love one and all!


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