Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Trust and Lies

Trust. It's not something you get right away, and its something you earn. And it's very easy to lose. At some points in my life, I have lost trust with my parents and my friends. It's something I am still working on. You know throughout my life, lying became easier and easier to me. When I was in Catholic School, I couldn't lie to save my life. In Catholic school they instilled in you you were going to hell if you lied, so until 8th grade I was straight laced. Than I went to public high school and was beginning little white lies. When I had substance abuse it was flat out lies. Not only was I lying, I was lying like a pro. Sometimes I believed the lie was the truth. It suddenly became do easy to me. And now I have to live with a mother who straight out will tell me She doesn't believe a word I say...ever.

Reasons why I lie to her, is whether or not I tell her the truth or a lie, if she disagrees with me, she screams at me so its gotten to the point it doesn't matter. I don't want to lie, but it seems no matter what I say, if its not her way, she screams at me.

It scares me how easily lying has come to me and now I am making a conscious attempt to tell the truth no matter how much it hurts. the thing is, I don't lie to everyone, but I admit I have made the occasional white lies and for that I am sorry. I don't want to become that person. So I deeply apologize to anyone whom I have lied to in the past.

The reason I bring this topic up is because I think we lie to ourselves more than anyone else. We tell each other we're working on things in our life which we aren't. Making promises to ourselves that we don't keep. And I'm not just talking about New Years Resolutions. Anyway, I am really going to try to be more honest with people and I sincerely apologize to anyone I have lied to in the past. Consciously, telling the truth will help us live a better life and we all want people to trust us.

I am sorry I haven't written lately, I was a way on vacation. But I am back and ready to be there for no one who needs me and I HONESTLY mean that. please feel free to contact me at anytime either through Facebook or posted comments on here and I will do my best to answer you.

Thank you for reading this. It means a lot to me that you all care enough to learn about my life and I hope it can give you some peace within you. You guys are great. Thank you again.


Katie Quinn

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